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Friday, July 31, 2009

We the People are Screwed!

What is private property and what rights come with it? I find it interesting that this subject is never discussed by politicians. From Democrats to Republicans, the issue of private property and the rights of ownership are seldom mentioned. However, the interpretation of private property is probably the single most important judgment a society administers in determining its destiny. All Laws revolve around a society’s perception of the rights to private property.

This is the one that really chaps my behind.....EEERRR!

Do we own our land?

This is another excellent question for us to ponder. I see land ownership in the U.S. as faulted because we have to pay local taxes on our land. So, one could make the argument that we are in fact renting our land from the Government. A tax on gasoline to pay for roads makes good sense. The people that use the roads more end up paying more for its maintenance, with the trucking industry paying the most per person. Likewise the trucking industry does the most physical damage to our highways, so the tax is justified. But my land is private property. In what way does the government or the public use my land? They don’t.

Land taxes are designed to establish governmental authority over your property. In essence the government (rule by the majority) owns all land - like our currency they permit us to lease it from them for our personal use. This is a violation of one’s Natural Right to private property ownership. The government has the right to obtain taxes for limited purposes, but to tax private property is immoral - it gives the government a higher stake to your property than you have as an individual. If you fail to pay property taxes we all know what can happen. The local government can confiscate and sell your private property.

If we own our land and mineral rights then we should be able to access the raw ore and oil that sits beneath our property. Certainly the government would only intercede if your excavation violates another person’s rights to liberty or property. But this isn’t the case at all. Have you ever tried pumping oil in your back yard? Without a team of lawyers and hundreds of thousands of dollars you can’t even think about it. The permits and regulations alone would shut down a small timer like you. Basically you have to outsource the drilling to a government approved company that knows how to funnel money to the pockets of politicians. Just imagine all the taxes involved in such an endeavor. Local concerned citizens would show up, hold meetings, and use force against you to shut down this little pipe dream. Nope that raw untapped energy source lying beneath the pine straw belongs to the people (government). They allow you to make a little royalty from it - isn’t that nice of them

The U.S. Constitution gives the government the right to confiscate land (eminent domain) for public use (roads and right of ways) and to appropriately compensate you for your land. This is a rational and just method for handling the issue of roadways and utility grids. But lately we see that local governments are forcing private property owners off their land for an entirely different purpose. Local governments are confiscating land and selling it to private developers. The private developers build businesses or apartments - anything that generates more tax revenue for the local government than your property taxes. Through their use of force local governments violate both your Natural Rights to private property and the U.S. Constitution. Amazingly courts have sided with local government instead of individual American citizens. If private citizens would resort to using force on a regular basis to prevent such crimes and punish city councilmen - local governments would stop the pillaging. By enforcing Natural Law citizens would discover a government more cautious in its approach to private property. Clearly the minds of our countrymen have been conditioned over the decades to accept whatever injustices are forced upon them. The government can only do what we allow. Not the other way around.

Find out more of what we don't own....You're going to love this...

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