Well peeps, I have not done a dang thing today. Well, I do take that back. I managed to paint a craft project. Does that count as FLYing? I sure hope so. I have also kept my sink shinning, but I have come to realizing that, that's about a every 20 minute job. I have a house full of people and they have to get on board with this FlyLady way.
My question is how? Do any of you have any suggestions on how to get the house hold involved? There are 7 people that are living in my home right now...I can't seem to keep anything clean and just the mere fact of cleaning or FLYing is not appealing to me at all. I get so discourage! It's driving me nuts. I also struggle with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and just made a visit to the hospital the night I wrote my last blog. So needless to say I hardly done anything. I did have a few things on my TADA's and YES, I felt great but today is a different story.
I plan after writting this to do a "Triple Dog Dare". For those of you that doesn't know what that is, it's a way to get things done instead of playing the FLYlady Bingos's...it's easier and not on a time limit...Got the idea from another FLYgal. What you do is make a list of 3 things you need to do and do them...It's that easy...So here i go...
Any suggestions you have to help encourage other. PLEASE share in the comment section here....you never know how many you will help just by sharing your own struggles.
Til Then my FlyFriends!
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