Let me start by say... I got your attention, didn't I?
Now, why in the world would anyone not like the "F" word? I have come to be very fond of the words myself. Let me share why, if I may?
"F"amily are here for a reason, and without them I don't know where I would be today.
"F"riends is more important to me than life itself, if I didn't have friends in my life I would absalutly be insane
"F"ood is something no of us can live without and OH Soooo good!
"F"lowers are a reminder to me that there is alway tomorrow and they have a way of making me smile.
"F"un is something I have when all of the above are all in one place together.
Now who had the bright idea the "F" word was so wrong? I just don't get it...
Can you think of any "F" words you couldn't live without? Let's hear em then...
sorry for the typos, but It will not let me spell check...lol will correct later...Ugh!