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Monday, May 16, 2011

Why would you NOT like the "F" word?

Let me start by say... I got your attention, didn't I?

Now, why in the world would anyone not like the "F" word? I have come to be very fond of the words myself. Let me share why, if I may?

"F"amily are here for a reason, and without them I don't know where I would be today.

"F"riends is more important to me than life itself, if I didn't have friends in my life I would absalutly be insane

"F"ood is something no of us can live without and OH Soooo good!

"F"lowers are a reminder to me that there is alway tomorrow and they have a way of making me smile.

"F"un is something I have when all of the above are all in one place together.

Now who had the bright idea the "F" word was so wrong? I just don't get it...

Can you think of any "F" words you couldn't live without? Let's hear em then...

1 comment:

  1. sorry for the typos, but It will not let me spell will correct later...Ugh!
