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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My Mission!

In todays world self esteem is a big issue among young adults and teens. It is my goal to help spread awareness and to help give them the boost they all need. By doing this I am working on making a documentary film based around these issues. I have never done this before, so yes it will be a learning experience for me as well. I am anxious to see the finished product. It will take some time to prepare and a lot of research in the filming business. So please if anyone has any ideas or advise to help me out I would so appreciate it.
The SEGG is all in and the gals are also excited and will be a BIG part of this film. Our main goal is to hear from young people and we will be asking "on the spot" questions concerning pure pressure and how they deal with it, and how they see others deal with it...
From the research I have already done, when it come to having low self esteem, many turn to drugs, alcohol, unprotected sex, gangs and sadly suicide.
It is my mission to help spread the word that... YOU ARE SPECIAL!
I have created a facebook page and would love for you to visit and check it out. Hand n Hand Project is the name. please stop by and hit the "like" and "share" button. The more we can reach the better.
Let's Do This!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Why would you NOT like the "F" word?
Let me start by say... I got your attention, didn't I?
Now, why in the world would anyone not like the "F" word? I have come to be very fond of the words myself. Let me share why, if I may?
"F"amily are here for a reason, and without them I don't know where I would be today.
"F"riends is more important to me than life itself, if I didn't have friends in my life I would absalutly be insane
"F"ood is something no of us can live without and OH Soooo good!
"F"lowers are a reminder to me that there is alway tomorrow and they have a way of making me smile.
"F"un is something I have when all of the above are all in one place together.
Now who had the bright idea the "F" word was so wrong? I just don't get it...
Can you think of any "F" words you couldn't live without? Let's hear em then...
Now, why in the world would anyone not like the "F" word? I have come to be very fond of the words myself. Let me share why, if I may?
"F"amily are here for a reason, and without them I don't know where I would be today.
"F"riends is more important to me than life itself, if I didn't have friends in my life I would absalutly be insane
"F"ood is something no of us can live without and OH Soooo good!
"F"lowers are a reminder to me that there is alway tomorrow and they have a way of making me smile.
"F"un is something I have when all of the above are all in one place together.
Now who had the bright idea the "F" word was so wrong? I just don't get it...
Can you think of any "F" words you couldn't live without? Let's hear em then...
Friday, May 6, 2011
Self Evaluation

As I was reading the latest blog by Cherie, I come to realize, I need to do some major analyzing in my life.
It seems that drama follows me wherever I go. Is that true or do I feed off the drama in my life? Do I look for it? I, didn't think so but as I read the comment that was left under the latest blog I felt maybe I am doing something wrong. I look back and see all my blogging and realize that it's almost all negative, never happy thoughts and never something enjoyable to read or write about...
I must stop! I am one person and I am also the only one with control of my thought process. I have to learn to put myself in positive situations and start enjoying my life a little more. I recently started a FB page called "Attic Fanatic" to start doing things I enjoyed doing and haven't in many years, and that was re-doing furniture and craft projects. I have yet to finish one project. I always find an excuse and there it goes back on the back burner AGAIN!. WHY?!
I know why, because I have been doing for others for so long now, I have forgotten to take time to do ME. I am drowning myself and haven't even seen it. My talents are slowly slipping away and I am slowly but surely going down with it. Finding myself stuck in a rut and getting wrapped up in DRAMA that I can careless about. I refuse to let the waters bring me down! From this day forward I pledge to myself that I am important and worth more than I give myself credit for..
I'm ready to do this! STAY TUNED!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The drowning victim
A friend recently posed the question of how to help someone who is (emotionally) drowning.
It's a hard road for us when we are drowning. People avoid us because they are afraid of getting pulled down under water, I suppose. Some go into denial mode and avoid us, some go into survival mode and avoid us....... some even think by helping us they are "enabling" us to stay sick. Some are just plain selfish and don't care to get involved. All of it is so counter-productive because what we need, what we're sometimes on the verge of dying for is someone to love us unconditionally and to stand with us, near us, until we are strong enough to stand on our own again.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What is LOVE?

I'm sitting here with something that's been on my mind for a while now. Just can't seem to shake it off. So I thought I would share it. Maybe it will make me realize why people are the way they are. Or simply make me feel better just because...LOL
So, I have been with my husband for 14 years married for 13 of those years. What I can't get through my head is people who claim to love but when things get tough or the money runs out or just simply not being happy at the "moment" do what they do? WHY do they not try and work it out?
I have come to the conclusion that it's not love at all. It's selfishness, money hungry, let me go to the next thing type LUST. Do these people not have a heart? Then there are children involved, that usually get left behind for someone else to raise or left in a broken home with one parent. It breaks my heart that these type of non-loving people exsist. Out of site out of mind. Right?
Please don't get me wrong, all single parents are not in the same boat here and all parents that don't live with their children are the same. I'm talking about DEAD BEATS here. One thing that erks my butt is a dead beat parent that claims to love their children and turn around and lie to them in their face. I have a low tollerance for BS lies and especially to children. Broken promises are the worst in my book specially when I'm the one having to explain to a child that it will be ok...knowing in my heart that it's not.
Anyhoo I could go on but I'm getting off track here. I was talking about LOVE. Well let me brake it down for those who know nothing about it.
1. When you are in love with someone, you know it and NOTHING will come in between you.
2. When your heart skips a beat everytime your hear their voice, you know it's real love.
3. When you can argue but in the back of your mind your thinking,"I can't wait to "make up" you know it's love.
4. No matter how hard you think it is or gets, you know love will get you through it and niether one would ever think about "coppin out". That's love.
5. And when you know there is not another human being on earth that you'd rather be with in this world...THAT"S LOVE!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Osama Bin Laden Dead!

Got the news on the death of Bin Laden last night around 11:00pm. I was overwelmed with joy to know the leader of the 911 attack was gone. As I kept watching and seeing how the people of the USA was acting and carring on, it hit me and I some how felt kind of sick to my stomach.
Some say this is the end, but we must all realize this is just the beginning of another war(IMO). Lets not forget that someone is going to take his place and they are pissed! I pray we the US doen't put our guards down for one minutes.
I'm also so proud and honored to be from the USA and want to THANK the troops that had to take this mission...YOU GUYS ROCK!
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