What is LOVE?
I'm sitting here with something that's been on my mind for a while now. Just can't seem to shake it off. So I thought I would share it. Maybe it will make me realize why people are the way they are. Or simply make me feel better just because...LOL
So, I have been with my husband for 14 years married for 13 of those years. What I can't get through my head is people who claim to love but when things get tough or the money runs out or just simply not being happy at the "moment" do what they do? WHY do they not try and work it out?
I have come to the conclusion that it's not love at all. It's selfishness, money hungry, let me go to the next thing type LUST. Do these people not have a heart? Then there are children involved, that usually get left behind for someone else to raise or left in a broken home with one parent. It breaks my heart that these type of non-loving people exsist. Out of site out of mind. Right?
Please don't get me wrong, all single parents are not in the same boat here and all parents that don't live with their children are the same. I'm talking about DEAD BEATS here. One thing that erks my butt is a dead beat parent that claims to love their children and turn around and lie to them in their face. I have a low tollerance for BS lies and exspecially to children. Broken promises are the worst in my book specially when I'm the one having to explain to a child that it will be ok...knowing in my heart that it's not.
Anyhoo I could go on but I'm getting off track here. I was talking about LOVE. Well let me brake it down for those who know nothing about it.
1. When you are in love with someone, you know it and NOTHING will come in between you.
2. When your heart skips a beat everytime you hear their voice, you know it's real love.
3. When you can argue but in the back of your mind your thinking,"I can't wait to "make up" you know it's love.
4. No matter how hard you think it is or gets, you know love will get you through it and niether one would ever think about "coppin out". That's love.
5. And when you know there is not another human being on earth that you'd rather be with in this world...
I agree with you, Staci. Unfortunately when trust is shattered repeatedly and/or one's children are harmed, unless the party doing the harm is willing to make dramatic changes, the one doing all the unconditional loving may need to call it quits even though it breaks their heart into a million devastating pieces.