This is how much rain we got lol! Just enough to stick to ya feet..UGH!
Hi peeps, woke up in a pretty good mood this morning, UNTIL I was watching the news and hearing about all the folks in Alabama. God bless them all. Please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.
Anyways let me start by saying I don't mind rain, thunder and lightening, BUT (and yes that's a big BUT) when the first thing I see when I turn on TV is Tornado's the size of my neighborhood, it kinda of put me in PANIC mode! Seeing all the homes and fatalities Alabama was hit with was not good for me. I suddenly found myself walking in circles and my brain was once again in overdrive..
Walking through the house putting my hands on things I think I need to pack, getting the kids dressed from head to toe including myself. I always wear flip flops but as soon as I start thinking the weather is threatening, on goes the tennis shoes, lmao!
Got water bottles, computer, phone chargers, etc ready.
After seeing thunder storm watches then warnings on every gadget I turn on and putting me into survival mode, it finally start thundering in the distance and here I go to my room ready to sleep this storm out...as soon as I get comfy and the kids are with me in my king size bed, IT STOPS! Actually it never started. Man, do I feel like a nut, for nothing. The sun is coming out and all that drama I just went through was for nothing!
I am very thankful that we are safe and not so proud of how I acted...lol GEESH! I hate bad weather, so for now on I will use my own judgement, the tv goes off and I will not be doing this again...
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Well today was a "feeling like a nut" kinda day for this ole gal...Just thanking God I can laugh about it now.