I have been going to a certain message board for some time now. Well needless to say I have a few that do not like me there....For what reason I have not a clue. Unless it's because I speak my mind in a way that they do not agree. I also know that this is what is to be exspected on these forums. I get that I really do, but when is it taken to far? I mean I'm the one being told I have posted hateful things, but noone can come up with the hatefullness they accuse me of. I just don't get it....All I do is read on that screen but then as usual a thread will pop up about me or my family member. I mean what the HELL? Doesn't everyone have a bad apple in the family? Or is it just mine? I know my family is not perfect by no means but for someone to wish death to my family member is not right. Yes it hurts me to think that I'm hated that much over things I say on a message board....I understand that the board admin has rules but why not apply them to everyone? I guess i do need to take some of the poster's advice and just stay away and not read anything on there at all, but why should I have to stay away from something I enjoy?
Yes, again my feelings are hurt but I know I will get over it....UNTIL it apears it's ugly head again....Maybe I need to just stay away cause I know in my heart that it will not stop. I have emailed the admin/owner of the board to ask him for his help. No luck there, not even a reply back....Oh well all I can do is change me cause you sure as hell can't change others....
Til Then
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